Food Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
Food Labeling Standard
Local Title:
식품등의 표시기준
South Korea
Competent Authority:
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Release Date:
Implementation Date:
Applicable Scope:
Aquatic & aquatic products; Alcoholic products; Bakery food; Beverage; Candy products; Condiment; Egg & egg products; Food additive; Food contact materials; Food for special dietary uses; Frozen drinks; Fruits & vegetables; Grain & grain products; Health food; Infant formula food; Meat & meat products; Milk & milk products; Nutrition fortifier; Oil & oil products; Others
Language Source Title Access
Official Food Labeling Standard (KR)
ChemLinked Translation
Food Labeling Standard of South Korea
File Language : EN
$ 1100

It is hereby amended based on the nutrient intake standard that reflects the national nutritional state in Korea (Ministry of Health and Welfare, November 2015). The "daily nutrient standard value" that reflects the average daily intake of nutrients in the food labeling has been adjusted.

This amendment is made to deepen the consumers' understanding of nutritional value of certain food in the daily diet, and to compare the nutrients of different foods in an easier way.

It includes:

I New construction and amendment of nutrient standard ([Table 3] of『Attachment 1』1 I. 2) VI)

1) The standard value of nutrients needs to be amended due to factors such as changes in Korean diet and nutrient intake standard.

2) Nutrient new standard value (sugars), change (carbohydrate, fat, vitamin D, chromium)

New standard value for sugars (100g); decrease in carbohydrate (330g→324g), increase in fat (51g→54g), increase in vitamin D (5μg→10μg), and decrease in chromium (50μg→30μg);

3) In order to deepen the consumer’s understanding of the nutritional value of nutrients contained in food during the daily diet, and choose healthy food.

II Amendment to Table of nutrient intake standard for Koreans ([Table 2] of『Attachment 1』1. I. 4) II) (7) (IV)

1) For foods targeted for specific groups such as infants and young children, pregnant women, and lactating women, the labeled standard value is the recommended intake or adequate intake of such groups. For this reason, it requires an improvement for "Table of nutrient intake standard for Koreans".

2) The Table of nutrient intake standard for Koreans amended in 2015 is currently in effect.

3) In order to deepen the understanding of the nutrient content and help choose healthy food specific to the foods targeted for specific groups such as infants and young children, pregnant women, and lactating women.

III Changes in Charts caused by nutrient standard resetting and change ([Chart 3] of『Attachment 1』1. I. 4) I) (1) and (5) and [Chart 4] of (6)

1) It was a readjustment of display chart based on the relevant regulations, which is caused by nutrient standard value resetting and change.

2) The "daily nutrient standard value %" has been added to the labeling of nutrient standard value % for sugars and nutrient labeling format charts.

3) In order to deepen the consumer’s understanding of the nutritional value of sugars contained in food during the daily diet, and choose healthy food.

To be enforced
Release Date: 2022-09-06
Implementation Date : 2024-01-01
In force
Release Date: 2022-03-31
Implementation Date : 2023-01-01
Release Date: 2021-11-05
Implementation Date : 2022-01-01
Release Date: 2020-05-12
Implementation Date : 2022-01-01
Release Date: 2020-01-03
Implementation Date : 2020-01-03
Food Labeling Standard
Release Date: 2016-09-09
Implementation Date : /