This regulation regulates changes to several articles, including the requirements for labeling processed food sold to business actors to be reprocessed into other processed food; information included in the list of materials used includes raw materials and BTP; information on the percentage of raw material content; inclusion of alcohol content; information that must be included on the label of food additives (BTP) sold in retail packaging; labeling of single BTP and mixed BTP sold to business actors; inclusion of halal information; information on the origin of certain foodstuffs; information about allergens; inclusion of claims; information regarding the safety and quality certification of processed food; writings, logos, and/or images related to food packaging; prohibition of the inclusion of statements, descriptions, writings, images, logos, claims, and/or visualizations that are incorrect and misleading; as well as provisions regarding the obligation to include information other than those stipulated in this regulation after obtaining approval from the Head of the Agency; and a grace period of the provisions.