For enterprises expand their businesses to the Chinese food market, one of the key challenges is the risk of rejection during customs clearances. ChemLinked collects the latest data of imported food rejected by China customs, and provides related analysis and reports.
Halal food refers to food products consistent with the Islamic doctrine, which is one of the most profitable and influential sectors of the global food industry. Currently, there is no unified Halal certification standard used globally. Certain details, such as the processing method, slaughtering procedure, labeling items, etc. are subject to different standards in different countries.
To help remove the market access barriers and catch the market opportunities, ChemLinked collects contents related to halal certification and its regulation dynamics around the world.
To help food business stakeholders to navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape in the global food industry, ChemLinked collects major and general regulation dynamics all around the world.
GB 2760-2024 marks a significant chapter in China's regulatory approach to food additives, following the thorough groundwork laid by GB 2760-2014 and informed by drafts in subsequent years. The meticulous refinement process through drafts in 2017, 2021, and 2022 has led to this well-structured standard. Now, the GB 2760-2024 standard is ready for implementation, set to become effective on February 8, 2025, as the authoritative guide for food additive usage in China.
Many enterprises are eager to know if there are still opportunities in China’s infant formula market, and what strategies can be taken to revive the sales performance. ChemLinked interviewed Mr. Song Liang, a famous dairy expert in China, to share his unique insight on China’s infant formula industry.
Special food (infant fomula, health food, and food for special medical purposes) are required to obtain product registration/filing in China. This collection includes the article analysing the special food registration status quo. Please contact ChemLinked if you need the detailed data.
In April, China Customs issued the new version of “Administrative Provisions on Registration of Overseas Manufacturers of Imported Foods (Decree No. 248)”, which will come into effect on Jan. 1 2022. It stipulates that all food categories shall be subject to overseas manufacturer registration.
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