This regulation specifies the countries and regions of livestock products permitted to be imported into South Korea and the sanitation standards of thus products.
Law Hierarchy
Main Act: Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control (Imported Food Act)
Enforcement decree: Enforcement Decree of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control
Enforcement rule: Enforcement Rule of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control
Subordinate regulations: Method and Standard of On-site Inspection of Foreign Food Facilities and Foreign Establishments; Registration and Management Standard of Good Importer and Good Foreign Food Facility; Regulation on Registration of Foreign Establishments; Regulations on Inspection of Imported Health Functional Food; Regulation on Inspection of Imported Food, etc.; Food Traceability Management Standard; Food, Food Additives, Livestock Product and Health Functional Food Shelf Life Determination Standard; Regulation on Declaration and Inspections of Imported Livestock Products; HACCP Operation Regulation for Imported Food; Regulation on Permitted Import Countries (Regions) and Sanitation Requirements of Livestock Products