Food Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
China Salt Industry Regulatory Analysis

China Salt Industry Regulatory Analysis

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Basic Information
  • Author:Erica Cheng
  • Pages:12
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Apr 11, 2018
    Last Updated On:Apr 11, 2018

This report will introduce the regulation of China's salt industry, interpret salt industry reforms, and explain salt import/export procedures.


1. Introduction
1.1 Competent authorities for salt supervision in China 
1.2 Current law and regulations of salt
2. Interpretation on salt industry regulation
2.1 Background of salt industry mechanism reform
2.2 Regulatory changes for Chinese salt manufacturers and traders
2.3 Impact of salt industry mechanism reform
3. Salt import and export procedure
3.1 Import procedure 
3.2 Export procedure