Food Compliance
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Guideline for Exporting Olive Oil to China

Guideline for Exporting Olive Oil to China

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  • Pages:23
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Sep 03, 2014
    Last Updated On:Sep 03, 2014

This guideline aims to give companies and individuals in charge of exporting Olive Oil to China a comprehensive overview of the export procedures, regulatory responsibilities and market requirements throughout the olive oil supply chain. The guideline serves as a reference and practical checklist for olive oil regulatory compliance in China and can aid in designing an efficient premarket approval strategy for olive oil in China.


Chapter 1 Background

Marketing introduction

Market analysis based on classification

Chapter 2 Supply Chain framework and explanation of each role in the process

Supply chain framework

Definition and obligation of each role

Chapter 3 Checklist

Chapter 4 Unqualified cases and handling practices

Chapter 5 Interpretation of GB 7718-2011 and specific labeling regulations of GB 23347-2009

GB 7718-2011: General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods

GB 23347-2009 Olive oil and olive-pomace oil 

Appendix 1 The tax rate, declaration, regulations and inspection of each category of olive oil