This decree is applicable to all kinds of foods in Korea. The purpose of this decree is to prescribe matters delegated by the food sanitation act and matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. It includes matters of harm assessment, actions against harmful foods, scope of interested persons concerning prohibition against importing, selling specific foods, types of business and compliance of conducting food business, hazard analysis and critical control points, and administrative matters such as matters of inspection, standards of committee, criteria for imposition of administrative fines, etc.
Law Hierarchy
Main Act: Food Sanitation Act
Enforcement decree: Enforcement Decree of Food Sanitation Act
Enforcement rules: Enforcement Rule of Food Sanitation Act; Rule of Medical Examination of Operator conducting Food Business
Subordinate regulations: Food Traceability Management Standard; Requirements on Food, etc. Subject to an Inspection Order; Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, HACCP of Food and Livestock; Food, Food Additives, Livestock Product and Health Functional Food Shelf Life Determination Standard, Food Additive Code