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Francesco Montanari
Food lawyer, Head of Legal & Regulatory Affairs practice of Arcadia International
Francesco Montanari is a food lawyer with over 20 years of experience in the field. He holds a LL.M. (2000) and a PhD in EU law (2006) from the University of Bologna as well as a MSc in Food Consumer Science from the Open University in Portugal (2020). For almost a decade, he taught food law in training programs organized by the European Commission for national authorities. At present he is teaching and researching food law at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, and at Nova School of Law, in Portugal. His main areas of research and professional interest are food innovation, food labelling, import requirements, and the sustainability of the food chain. Francesco is a regular speaker in international conferences and has authored several articles and books on food law. He is also a recognised legal and policy expert at EU level, having taken part in over 25 studies, evaluations, and impact assessments for the European institutions. Since 2013 he is based in Lisbon where he heads the Legal & Regulatory Affairs practice of Arcadia International.