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AQSIQ Introduced New Requirements for Imported Baby Formula

On 27 Sep 2013, AQSIQ released the Announcement 133 which stated several new requirements for the import of baby formula milk powder, in terms of the registration of overseas manufacturers, the shelf life, packaging, labeling, etc.

As the AQSIQ Order 152 requires the overseas baby formula manufacturers to register with AQSIQ (see Chemlinked news on 4 Mar), the Announcement further clarifies that those manufacturers should fulfill the registration obligation according to the Provisions on the Administration of Registration of Foreign Enterprises Producing Imported Foods (AQSIQ Order 145 of 2012) before 1 May 2014. After the deadline, baby formula from those failing to finish registration will be denied access to the Chinese market.

It is noted that the imported baby formula which will hit the expiration date after 3 months from the port inspection date will be prohibited to be imported. Meanwhile, they must arrive in China in cans already for retail instead of being stored in larger containers for sub-packaging.

Imported baby milk powder must bear Chinese labels in compliance with national standards, which should be printed on the actual minimum sales packaging from 1 April 2014 before they enter China.

These duties are outlined in response to the State Council’s navigating policy, the Opinions on Further Strengthening the Quality and Safety of Baby Formula (see Chemlinked news on 28 Jun), with the purpose to further guarantee the quality of imported products.

If you are interested in exporting baby milk powder to China and want to learn about more detailed compliance strategy, please refer to Chemlinked Ebook China’s Regulatory Environment for Imported Baby Formula, with focus on the following aspects:

  • Overall Market Analysis

  • Regulatory Framework of Baby Formula in China

  • National Food Safety Standards for Baby Formula

  • Latest Far-reaching Regulatory Updates for Baby Formula

  • Steps to Exporting Baby Formula to China

  • Labeling Requirements

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