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China Food Import: China to Crack Down on Smuggling of Meat Products

China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC) is spearheading a new initiative designed to combat smuggling of meat products in China. Seasonal demand for meat products peaks at this time of year with both the New Year and Chinese New Year approaching. China customs in collaboration with local FDAs will tighten border inspections of meat products to both deter and uncover smuggling, illegal storage and sales of illicit meat products.

Since the beginning of 2014 China has stepped up efforts to combat smuggling of agricultural products, among which meat products are a major target.

Specific measures include

  • Market research: In cooperation with industry associations, local customs staffs will conduct in-depth market analysis of products circulating in the market.

  • Pre-Market Detection and Punitive measures: Any attempts to fabricate place of origin or product labelling detected will be punished severely by customs officials.

  • For illicit meat products already circulating in the market, the original source will be traced and offending parties punished.

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