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China MOA to Establish 122 New Pesticide MRLS for Foods

The maximum residual limits for 122 pesticides have been newly established in various types of foods.

On Jun. 11, 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture of China (MOA) preannounced the establishment of the maximum residual limits for 122 pesticides in foods, which will be open for public consultation until Jul. 15, 2017.

The MRLs for 57 pesticides will be set for plant derived foods, while the MRLs for an additional 65 pesticides will be established for animal derived foods.

It is indicated by the government in “China’s 13th five-year plan” that more than 6,000 more standards regarding pesticide MRLs will be formulated by 2020, to cover more vegetables, fruits, as well as featured agricultural products in China. Moreover, it is also revealed that uniform indexes will be established for imported agricultural products. There will be specially designed MRLs for the pesticides that have not been used in China or pesticides without MRLs.

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