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Global Food Regulation Highlights | June 2022 [Report]

To help food business stakeholders to navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape in the global food industry, ChemLinked presented Global Food Regulation Highlights, a monthly report which delivers major and general regulation dynamics all around the world.

Here's a preview of Global Food Regulation Highlights (June 2022 Edition), and the full report can be downloaded for free at the end of this article



On June 1, 2022, China NHC opened the public comment period for the draft of 2022 National Food Safety Standard Legislation Plan until June 10, 2022. The proposed plan involves 41 national food safety standards, including 20 for testing methods for physical & chemical indicators, 13 for food additives, 3 for food products, 3 for hygiene practice, and 2 for microorganism examination. Notably, the legislation plan is still in the drafting stage. Please stay tuned with ChemLinked for the latest progress on the plan. 

South Korea

On June 7, the MFDS amended the Enforcement Decree of Act on Labeling and Advertising of Foods. The new version prohibits false labeling or advertising on food production date, replaces the "sale-by date" by the "use-by" date, and optimizes the provisions of “special nutritious food” and “food for a special medical purpose (FSMP)”. 


On June 17, 2022, the MAFF of Japan updated the information about the Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS), which is an amendment to the Inspection Method for Food and Beverage & Oils and Fats. The amendment, involving the scope, normative references, terms and definitions, and inspection method became effective upon its publication. 

Southeast Asia

On the press conference held on June 8, 2022, Thailand MOPH announced the legalization of planting hemp and using cannabis in food, which means that starting from June 9, 2022, planting, selling, importing, and consuming hemp and hemp products are legal in Thailand. However, extract substances whose THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content over 0.2% are still listed as Narcotics and cannot be used in food.


As revealed by a WTO notification on June 22, 2022, EU proposed to amend the existing maximum residue levels (MRLs) for 1-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide, cycloxydim, cyflumetofen, cyfluthrin, metobromuron and penthiopyrad in certain food commodities. Products covered cereals, foodstuff of animal origin like milk, and certain products of plant origin, including fruits and vegetables. Comments can be sent prior to Aug. 21, 2022. 


On June 21, 2022, the U.S. FDA issued food supervision and management guidelines, covering the Food System Recognition Agreement (SRA) between food safety agencies outside the United States and the U.S. FDA. The main contents of the guideline include the inspection for domestic food enterprises in the United States, automatic screening and risk targeting and review of imported food, inspection for and sampling of imported food, importer verification procedures, management compliance measures, etc. 


On June 8, 2022, Health Canada published Food and nutrition highlights 2021: Helping you maintain and improve your health. As revealed by the report, 10 novel foods, 20 food additives and 7 infant formulas were approved in 2021.

Australia & New Zealand

On June 23, 2022, New Zealand Ministry for Primaries Industries released the exposure draft of Requirements for Registered Food Importers and Imported Food for Sale. Any comments can be sent back prior to Aug. 23, 2022. The draft increases the requirements regarding the assessment and confirmation of the safety and suitability of food for import into New Zealand, the transport and storage of imported food, and the record keeping by registered importers. The customs clearance and inspection requirements for High Regulatory Interest food (including dairy, aquatic products, nuts and seeds, etc.) are specified. Additionally, the draft adds the import requirements for beef and beef products. 

Notes: Global Food Regulation Highlights only monitors and collects general and major food regulation changes worldwide, which means those on specific food categories are not covered. To ensure the timely responding to the regulation changes and updates, also to avoid the negative impact on food market access and business operation, it is highly recommended to contact us for a customized risk alert & monitoring report service, which allows you to track the regulation dynamics for the certain food categories and certain markets.

Click the download button below to get your free report!

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