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Macau Finishes the First Food Standard for Veterinary Drugs Residue

Recently, the Executive Council of Macau has finished drafting its first food safety standard, Maximum Residue Limits for Veterinary Drugs in Foods. The MRLs of veterinary drugs in animals, such as cows, pigs, chicken, ducks, fish, sheep, etc, have been specified.

Mr Liang Qingting from the Executive Council stated that the following months will see more standards of radioactive substances or prohibited substances in food to be issued. 

It is worth noting that Macau’s Food Safety Law will take effect from 20 Dec 2013, and will put in place very strict requirements for the safety of food products. It also indicates all food standards that need to be developed. Article 7 reads that the food standard system will include standards for:

  • Pathogenic microorganisms, pesticides, veterinary drugs, heavy metals, radioactive substances and other substances hazardous to human health;

  • Food additives;

  • Nutritional contents for infants and other special groups;

  • Hygiene requirements for food production and operation;

  • Food quality requirements

Those standards will take effect on the same date of the new law and will greatly augment its scope and efficacy. 

Besides, under the new law, food manufacturers and operators are faced with harsh punishment if found engaged in illegal activities. For instance, if a distributor sells substandard food, he may be fined up to 600,000 MOP. 

    Tags : Macao S.A.R.
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