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China Food Imports in 2017

China has maintained a stable increase in food imports over the past five years. The top 4 categories of foods (by trade value) were dairy products, edible vegetable oil, meat and aquatic products. 6631 batches of non-compliant foods were rejected by Chinese customs according to data released by the General Administration of Customs on July 20.

An Overview of Food Importation Data in China

According to the WTO, China became the largest import market of foods and agricultural products in 2011. In 2017, China imported 1.429 million batches (7.9% YOY increase), 53.481 million tons (35.5% YOY increase), 58.28 billion dollars of foods (25% YOY increase) from 187 exporting countries or regions. Over the past five years (from 2013~2017) the average annual growth rate of imported foods was 5.7%.

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