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Regulatory Requirements for Probiotics, Prebiotics and Postbiotics in China

This article examines the regulatory requirements for probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics products in China and explore their development in the Chinese market.

Human intestine is a crucial organ for digestion and immunity. It harbors approximately 70% of the body's immune cells, highlighting its essential role in maintaining the overall health. As people's awareness of intestinal health increases, probiotics have gained immense popularity as an ingredient in various products, offering a well-established and effective approach to promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria through microbial regulation.

It is reported that 87.6% of individuals suffered from intestinal health problems in 2019 in China, which prompts many Chinese to modify their habits to improve their intestinal health, providing hope for tackling this issue.1 Probiotics have become increasingly popular in China, with frequent use in food, drugs, and health supplements. The 2022 Chinese Probiotics Market Analysis Report highlights the sustained growth of the probiotics market in recent years, with a growth rate exceeding 16% during 2017-2020, and an expected value of 106.5 billion yuan in 2022.2

The burgeoning probiotics industry, coupled with ongoing research on intestinal microbiota, has paved the way for prebiotics, postbiotics, and their derivatives to enter the market. In this article, ChemLinked examines the regulatory requirements for probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics products in China and explore their development in the Chinese market.

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