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Overview of Health Food Market in Japan

Health-promoting food in Japan was a 2 trillion JPY market in 2018, according to president of Japan Health Magazine Co., Ltd. 大矢 均who made a speech during the NHC 2019 conference (Healthplex Expo 2019,Natural & Nutraceutical Products China 2019).[1]1evolving_regulatory_system_of_health_promoting_food_in_jp.png
The overall market size is limited due to its territory and population despite Japan boasting a wider array of health food categories compared with China and some other countries (read analysis on Japan’s evolving regulatory system of health-promoting food)[2]. Yet the growing demand for health-promoting food amongst Japanese consumers has seen the valuation of the market grow in great leaps and bounds over the course of the last decade.  (see image below).2market_size_of_health-promoting_food_except_for_tokuho (1).png

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