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China’s Children’s Milk Powder Market is Expanding at an Accelerated Pace

According to the latest statistics, there are about 90 million children aged 3 to 7 in China [1]. This large consumer group has an increasing demand for quality dairy products. This large consumer group, combined with the increasingly saturated infant formula market, has made the children's milk powder market a new focus for the dairy sector. Domestic and imported dairy enterprises are rolling out children's milk powder products to tap into this under-exploited market and develop new growth points.

The children's milk powder sector is still in its nascent stages of development, with an overall market valuation of about 2 billion yuan [2]. Although the number of newborn babies in China in 2019 decreased by 580,000 compared with the previous year, the number of children aged between 4-5 is huge [3]. The demand for children's milk powder is trending upwards and is enticing established players and new entrants to develop products.

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