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Taiwan to Revise the Limits of Heavy Metals in Vegetables and Fruits

Sep.2, 2015, Taiwan FDA announced the revision of “Limits of Heavy Metals in Vegetables and Fruits”, which mainly added the limits for lead and cadmium in vegetables and fruits and their applicable scopes. This new regulation was formally implemented since its announcement.


Limit for lead

Applicable scope

Leafy vegetables


It is also applicable to leafy vegetables under brassica.

Brassica vegetables


It is applicable to cabbage heads, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, and “head” part of brussels sprouts. It is not applicable to leafy vegetables under brassica.

Root and tuber vegetables


It is applicable to whole commodity after removing tops and soils, as well as potatoes after removal of peel, and is not applicable to celeriac.

Bulb vegetables


It is applicable to dry onion and garlic after removal of roots, soils and peel easy to break off.

Fruiting vegetables


It is applicable to fruiting vegetables after removal of stems, husks of sweet corn and fresh corn excluded.

Legume vegetables


Including edible pods



Including edible pods and dry legume vegetables picked when it is dry

Berries and other small fruits



Other vegetables and fruits



Herbs and spices, fresh





Limit for cadmium

Applicable scope

Leafy vegetables


It is also applicable to leafy vegetables under brassica.

Brassica vegetables


It is applicable to head cabbages, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, and “head” part of brussels sprouts. It is not applicable to leafy vegetables under brassica.

Root and tuber vegetables


It is applicable to whole commodity after removing tops and soils, as well as potatoes after removal of peel, and is not applicable to celeriac and parsnips.

Celeriac and parsnips



Stalk and stem vegetables


It is applicable to leaf stems only for rhubarb, and flower head only for globe artichoke. Adhering soils should be removed first for the application to celery and asparagus.

Bulb vegetables


It is applicable to dry onion and garlic after removal of roots, soils and peel easy to break off.

Fruiting vegetables


It is applicable to fruiting vegetables after removal of stems, husks of sweet corn and fresh corn excluded.

Legume vegetables


Including edible pods



Including edible pods and dry legume vegetables picked when it is dry, soybeans excluded

Soy beans



Other vegetables and fruits



Herbs and spices, fresh



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