Food Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions

China Cross Border E-Commerce: An Analysis of Recent Changes and Future Trends

Laura Wang
Friday , 3rd Jun 2016
REACH24H Consulting Group China

From Apr, China has introduced a series of new regulatory requirements for cross-border e-commerce import, including a new tax system, positive list, registration requirement for infant formula, health food, etc. as well as the requirement for obtaining Customs Clearance of Entry Commodity” (CCEC). CCEC is a passport for goods entry to China, which constitutes a great regulatory barrier for a number of CBEC dealers as they are unable to provide full documentation for application of a CCEC. Compared with the previous extremely lax import environment, the reformed intensified supervision regime almost drives CBEC back to the model similar to the traditional import.

Although China grants one year grace period for CBEC which is a great relief for many stakeholders now, one year may not be enough to optimize product portfolios and finish registration of some product categories, such as health food. To make preparation as early as possible would be one of the best solutions for accessing the Chinese market when the tradition period ends.

This webinar with special focus on CBEC food will concentrate on comparison of the previous and new regulatory systems for CBEC and analysis of new tax policy and other important requirements. Through comprehensive interpretation, the webinar will also give suggestions for oversea food companies which bring their products via CBEC and share future supervision trend. 


1. The Background and Market Size of China Cross Border E-Commerce

2. Comparison of Policies in the Past and New Rules

    • Tax

    • Positive list (Foods that can be allowed to imported via CBEC)

    • Product Registration

    • Customs Clearance

3. CBEC One Year Grace Period

4. Regulatory Status and Compliance Strategies for CBEC Health Food, Medical Food and Infant Formula

5. Prediction on China's Supervision Model for CBEC Commodities

  • Senior food regulatory analyst
    Ms. Laura Wang is proficient in Chinese food regulations especially regulatory issues of registration of new raw materials, additives and food contact materials. She also has extensive experience in providing food consultations for various companies around the world. Years of regulatory compliance experience and close ties with authorities have made Laura the expert and REACH24H China's foremost private agency on regulatory compliance issues relating to exportation of food and food related products to China.