Food Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions

The Choice of Pathway to China Food Market: Normal Trade, Cross Border E-Commerce or Daigou?

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Laura Wang
Thursday , 27th Jul 2017
REACH24H Consulting Group China

The purpose of this webinar is to give an overview as well as in-depth analysis regarding the different pathways to export food to China. The normal trade, Cross-border E-commerce (including bounded ware house model and direct mail model) and Daigou will be compared in terms of pre-market regulation barriers, different importation procedure, critical factors, cost and time etc. After the webinar, the audience could have a basic determination of which pathway to choose to export their products to China.


Detailed introduction on

  • Normal trade

  • Cross border E-commerce (bonded warehouse model and direct mail model)

  • Daigou

Detailed comparison between the three models on

  • Pre-market regulation barriers;

  • Time and cost;

  • Inspection and quarantine requirements

Suggestions on the choice of pathway

  • Senior food regulatory analyst
    Ms. Laura Wang is proficient in Chinese food regulations especially regulatory issues of registration of new raw materials, additives and food contact materials. She also has extensive experience in providing food consultations for various companies around the world. Years of regulatory compliance experience and close ties with authorities have made Laura the expert and REACH24H China's foremost private agency on regulatory compliance issues relating to exportation of food and food related products to China.