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China Food Labeling: Nutritional Information Subject to Public Scrutiny

1. Nutritional facts of prepackaged foods should be labelled according to regulatory standards 2. Falsely labeling nutritional information is subject to serious financial punishment

Chinese ecommerce site was recently ordered to compensate customers for selling food products with unqualified labels. The nutritional facts of prepackaged biscuits did not meet the actual result calculated through formula given by national standards.

The energy presented on the label of the biscuits is 540KJ per 100g, which deviates significantly from the actual value of 1713 KJ per 100g, calculated with reference to the formula specified in GB 28050-2011 “General Standard for the Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods”.

A lawsuit filed by a customer resulted in a judgment being handed down by local courts stating that the biscuit packaging failed to conform to food safety standards. In accordance with the Food Safety Law, any party who manufactures or sells food products that do not meet food safety standards is subject to fines ten times the price of the products purchased plus a refund.

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