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Chinese Deputy Proposes Removal of Infant Formula from CBEC Positive List

During the Two Sessions a prominent NPC deputy from Yili suggested that to foster an equitable market for all stakeholders, infant formula imported through crossborder e-commerce should be subject to the same duties as products imported through general trade channels. It is Chemlinked’s opinion that no major changes to rules regarding trade of infant formula on crossborder ecommerce will be implemented in the short term. Longterm we expect CBEC rules to be changed but not before China’s domestic stakeholders have built adequate technical capacities, consumer confidence in domestic products improves and the influence of daigou trade has further diminished.

During this year’s Two Sessions, one NPC deputy, the director of the Quality and Inspection Control Center of Yili tabled some extremely controversial proposals on changes to the rules regarding trade of infant formula through crossborder e-commerce.  The deputy suggested [1], “To maintain a fair competition environment, the tariff of CBEC infant formula shall be levied the same as other products imported via general trade. Failing this infant formula products shall be deleted from the CBEC positive list.” 

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