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India to Regulate Novel Foods and New Food Ingredients

On Oct. 4, 2016, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) drafted the “Safety and Standards (Approval for Non-Specified Food and Food Ingredients) Regulations, 2016”, which will be open to public consultation for 60 days from the day of the announcement.


  • India drafted new regulations requiring preapproval of novel foods, new food additives and new food raw materials for processing, storage, sale, distribution and importation.

On Oct. 4, 2016, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) drafted the “Safety and Standards (Approval for Non-Specified Food and Food Ingredients) Regulations, 2016”, which will be open to public consultation for 60 days from the day of the announcement.

It is required in the draft regulation that novel foods, new food additives and new food raw materials must be granted permission prior to the processing, storage, sale, distribution and importation, and the detailed procedure for approval has also been indicated. The novel foods, new food additives and new food raw materials that require prior approval include:

  • Novel foods or foods containing novel ingredients not having a history of human consumption in the country
  • Food ingredients with a history of human consumption in the country but not specified in any other food regulations of the country
  • New food additives and processing aids
  • Foods manufactured or processed with the use of novel technology.

Reference link

FSSAI Announcement

Tags : India
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