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Ensuring Food Safety: Japan's Regulatory Approach to Agricultural Residue Control

The Japan MHLW establishes residue standards for all pesticides, feed additives, and veterinary drugs to ensure food safety and prevent harm to human health. The Food Sanitation Act prohibits selling and importing food failing to meet these standards ("Positive List System"). Processed foods without pesticides residue standards should be assessed based on the residual levels of pesticides and veterinary drugs found in the raw materials.

Pesticides and veterinary drug residues in food is an important aspect of food safety. In particular, the residues standards in processed food is always a focal point for businesses. Following the revision of the Food Sanitation Act, Japan officially implemented the "Positive List System" on May 29, 2006 to regulate pesticides residues in food. Residue regulations in this system can be divided into three main dimensions: "Maximum Residue Limits", "Uniform Limit" and "Exempted Substances".

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