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2017 Market Data on Online Sales of Infant Milk Powder in China

In this article we will analyze market data sourced from analysis of online purchases of infant formula in China from January to December 2017.  Online shopping is increasingly important to China’s economy and continues to enjoy double digit growth in China: In 2017 online sale of infant formula once again demonstrated impressive growth and record sales.2017_infant_formula_market_data_1.jpgImported products accounted for the largest percentage of infant formula sales online.2017_infant_formula_market_data_2.jpgThis year sales of infant formula peaked in March, June and November. The month-on month growth ratio exceeded 200% in November and this month alone contributed greatly to an overall 20% jump in sales compared to the previous year.2017_infant_formula_market_data_3.jpgThe implementation of new regulations has forced or is forcing many small and medium sized manufacturers and hundreds of me-too brands from the market and ultimately giving way to a more concentrated market. In 2017 A2 replaced Jun Le Bao in the top ten selling brands in China and Aptamil jumped two places in the rankings to overtake Friso. Only 1 domestic brand manufactured by Yili featured in the top ten list further underscoring Chinese consumer’s predilection for foreign produce.微信截图_20190805173103.jpgInterestingly there is a predominance of Stage 3 Infant formula, probably also as a consequence of the increased number of working mothers that constitute the largest percentage of consumers. Chinese mothers tend to wean children off breastmilk at about 1 year of age and then switch to infant formula feeding. This is the main reason for the growth of stage 3 infant formula sales and a subtle contraction in the market share of early stage infant formula (stage 1 and stage 2). The growth of high end(retail price of 290-390 yuan / 900g) and ultra-high end(retail price of more than 390 yuan / 900g) products is also fast, as the first increased from 14% in 2012 to reach 24% in 2016 and the second from 13% in 2012 to 25% in 2016 of total infant formula sales

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