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Australia Introduces a New Standard Import Permit for Fish Oil

Australia introduces a standard permit for all fish oils imported for human consumption, human therapeutic use or cosmetic use in humans.

On February 1, 2024, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) of Australia introduced import changes for fish oils. Major revision includes a new standard permit for all fish oils imported for human consumption, human therapeutic use or cosmetic use in humans. The changes have taken effect from February 1, 2024.

Major contents

To apply for a standard import permit for fish oils, importers must ensure that the goods meet the import conditions specified in the BICON website. Major conditions are shown below:

  1. A valid standard import permit issued by the DAFF is required prior to the importation of goods into the Australian territory. If the goods cannot meet the standard conditions, importers must apply for a non-standard permit, and the goods will be subject to individual assessments, with the corresponding product names listed on the permit.

  2. The only animal-derived material in the goods (other than gelatine) must be fish oil. In addition, the fish oil must be heat-treated prior to arrival in Australia, or directed to a class 3.0 approved arrangements site for further processing or re-packaging.

  3. The goods must meet biosecurity conditions.

  4. Each consignment must be packed in clean packaging/containers.

Brief introduction of standard permit

The DAFF has introduced a set of standard permit conditions for different kinds of commodities, aiming to facilitate the permit application process. A standard permit includes a predetermined set of conditions that have been assessed by the DAFF as appropriate for managing biosecurity risks associated with a particular commodity type. These permits do not list specific product names, allowing any goods meeting the permit conditions to be imported following the same permit. The advantages of applying for a standard import permit include faster application process, reduced fees, and broader permit coverage.

For further details on standard permits for biological products, please visit the DAFF website.

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