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Instructions Given by Experts on Infant Formula Registration in Hainan Offline Seminar

Review expert of infant formula recipe predicted that the application spike of infant formula registration will appear in November this year and last to February next year. Besides, compared to the registration requirements in 2017 and 2018, the review work will have more detailed and stringent requirements from now on. For example, along with the finding of new risks, the control measures of contaminants will be subject to more requirements accordingly. At present, when applicants apply for the recipe registration, plans and measures to prevent and control contaminants, such as chloropropanol esters, perchlorates, etc., should be provided.

On March 31, 2021, ChemLinked attended an offline seminar given by infant formula review experts and SAMR officials in Hainan island. The seminar mainly interpreted the requirements of infant formula registration under the new GB standards, covering technical review of recipes, onsite inspection and subsequent supervision. Here are the keynotes.

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