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Shanghai To Implement Pilot Imported Wine Tracking System

In the past fake imported wines have been a major problem for Chinese consumers. Counterfeiters have demonstrated an increased ability and technological capacity to forge high-end wines. Remarkably at least half of the Chateau Lafite sold in China is fake according to official reports. To battle the market chaos, Shanghai has just launched a tracking platform for alcoholic products for imported wines sold within Shanghai’s free trade zone.

In the wine trade exhibition center of Shanghai’s free trade zone it will be possible to randomly pick a bottle of imported wine and scan the QR code on the bottle neck, the tracking system will then automatically display all related information including region, manufacturer, date of manufacture and distributer, etc. It is said that some 70 thousand alcoholic products in the public warehouse of the zone have been recorded in the system. The system will be expanded nationally once the Shanghai system has been successfully implemented.

Product data stored on the platform should be the same as that on the back label and the data stored on the electronic tag placed on the bottle. The QR code will facilitate public inquiries and the electronic tag will act as an oversight tool for competent authorities.

Official data suggests that Shanghai port accounts for the largest import volume of alcoholic products in China. As a major national distribution hub, more than 80 percent of the imports are distributed nationwide. It is therefore hugely important for Shanghai that it can verify the authenticity of imported alcoholic products. Official sources indicate that Shanghai is currently developing the “Regulations of Food Safety Traceability”, in which the tracking of alcoholic products will be included. 

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