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South Korea Revises Imported Food Act Implementation Rules

MFDS has detailed sanitation assessment of imported food subject to special management. A Halal certificate is no longer required during importation of halal food or during declaration of imported halal livestock

Following on from the implementation of Imported Food Act [1], MFDS revised the Imported Food Act Implementation Rules [2] on June 19th, 2019, which came into effect on the same day. Main revisions are detailed below.

Moreover, according to a notice issued on May 23rd, another revision of this implementation rule is still undergoing public consultation ending July 2nd. Read South Korea Consults on Imported Food Act Implementation Rules [3] for more info.

Main Revisions

  1. Newly added the import sanitation assessment of food subject to special management

    • authoritiesin exporting countries apply for the import permit for food subject to special management

    • risk factor discovered or new changeshappen to international standards or the sanitation system of exporting countries, etc. In circumstances where an enterprise has already received an import license for these foods, they still require re-evaluation.

    • MFDSbelieves it necessary to secure food safety and ensure exporters' sanitation management.

    • Enterprises need to undergo import sanitation assessment when

    • Specific procedures and methods are detailed in Table 5.

    • Overseas manufacturers dealing with food subject to special management shall submit the registration or alteration application to MFDS via the government in the country of origin.

  2. Food owners without relevant experience or food importers from foreign countries shall designate a person to receive sanitation education.

  3. Halal certificate is no longer required during the halal food/livestock importation declaration.

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