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Taiwan FDA Amends Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Foods

On 4 June, Taiwan FDA added residue limits for 9 pesticides in 20 corps into the Table 1 of Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits.

According to the Food Sanitation Act, concerned food companies are not allowed to manufacture, process, import or export, etc. those with pesticide residue exceeding the maximum permissible level.

The specific changes are shown below:

Pesticide Name CN Name Corp Category MRL (ppm) Remark
Clothianidin 可尼丁 Tomato 0.2 Insecticide
Cyazofamid 赛座灭 Spring onion 2.0 Fungicide
Cyhalothrin 赛洛宁 chrysanthemum (fresh) 2.0 Insecticide
chrysanthemum (dry) 10.0 Insecticide
Deltamethrin 第灭宁 Papaya 0.5 Insecticide
Passion fruit 0.5 Insecticide
Banana 0.5 Insecticide
Sweet sop 0.5 Insecticide
Avocado 0.5 Insecticide
Imidacloprid 益达胺 Passion fruit 0.5 Insecticide
Methomyl 纳乃得 Leaf vegetables with wrapped leaves 0.7 Insecticide
Melon vegetables 0.5 Insecticide
Rice 0.2 Insecticide
Peas and beans 0.5 Insecticide
Root, bulb and tuber vegetables 1.0 Insecticide
Methoxyfenozide 灭芬诺 Soybean 1.0 Insecticide
Oxydemeton methyl 灭多松 Root, bulb and tuber vegetables 0.02 Insecticide
Pome 0.2 Insecticide
Fluvalinate 福化利 chrysanthemum (fresh) 2.5 Insecticide
chrysanthemum (dry) 10.0 Insecticide
It is noted that Taiwan FDA notified on 6 June 2013 the WTO another batch of pesticide residue limits in foods to be added, including 14 pesticides in 33 corps. Please click here to see the detail. 
    Tags : Taiwan, China
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