On Feb 22, 2021, a press release by Thai FDA1 disclosed that the authority has approved the use of non-addictive parts of cannabis and hemp plants (including hemp seed, oil and protein) in food products, under certain conditions.
FDA deputy Secretary-General Supattra Boonserm explained that hemp seeds, oil and protein is allowed to be used in food products like cereal, baked goods, dietary supplements, beverages, and snacks. Moreover, hemp oil can also be used as cooking oil or be turned into spreads.
She said the amount of hemp or cannabis products that can be used in each type of food will be specified and proposed by the FDA later. Guidelines on the usage will also be issued, while food manufacturers will be required to provide details on where they source their cannabis and hemp raw materials.
Related news: Thailand delisted marijuana and hemp from the scope of Category 5 narcotics in 2019