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Agricultural Sustainability and Challenges to China’s National Food Security

China is facing a number of challenges to its food security including population growth, environmental issues, urbanization and significant trade pressures. China will attempt to redress these issues through a multipronged strategy involving environmental rectification measures, relocation of cash crop regions to mountainous areas and increasing overall grain production productivity.

China’s population is estimated to peak by 2030 reaching 1.5 billion and per capita food demand will be stable at 500 kg annually. To maintain self-sufficiency in food supply, China needs to increase grain output from 617.9 million tons in 2017 to 634 million tons by 2020 and 700 million tons by 2030. This article will take a look at the historical data on grain production and agricultural technology in recent decades. We will also look at the major challenges facing China such as environmental issues, decreased arable land and slow growth in productivity.

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