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China Approves 50 National Food Safety Standards and 4 Amendments, Cheese, Infant Formula and Maximum Levels of Contaminants Involved

The published standards involve standards for infant formula, cheese, food additives, maximum levels of contaminants, test methods for food contact material, etc. The limits of yeast and mold in cheese are deleted. GB 2762 added the contaminant limits for foods for special medical purpose, complementary food supplements, sports nutrition and nutrient supplementary foods for pregnant and lactating women.

As revealed by an NHC notice1 released on March 18, 2021, China released 50 national food safety standards and 4 amendments, involving standards for cheese, food additives, maximum levels of contaminants, test methods for food contact material and also the heavily watched GB standards for infant formula. (The whole list is attached in the end of this article.)

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