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China Becomes the Second Largest Purchaser of Australian Wine

According to statistical data from Wine Australia published recently, China mainland has become the second largest market for Australia wine ranked next to the USA.

According to statistical data from Wine Australia published recently, China mainland has become the second largest market for Australia wine ranked next to the USA.

It is reported that as of March 2016, the total annual export volume of all Australian wine increased by 13% compared to the same period in the previous year. The export volume of bottled wine increased by 16% to USD 1.3 billion dollars, the highest seen in 5 years.

The export volume of wine from Australia to China mainland increased 64% compared to the same period in the previous year with the total value reaching USD 0.3 billion. It is reported that the signing of the free trade agreement between China and Australia has facilitated the export of Australian wine to China.

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The Xinhua News Agency

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