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India to Revise Standards for Milk Products and Vegetable Oils

On Feb. 24, 2016, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) preannounced the revision of Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, which will be open for public comments for 30 days.

Main changes are summarized as below:

1. The usage scope and concentration range of vitamin A and vitamin D added in toned/double toned/ skim milk has been specified with the compound sources indicated.

2. The requirements on the composition of edible lactose as well as the food additives allowed to be added in edible lactose have been proposed.

3. Edible vegetable oils have been approved to be fortified with vitamin A and vitamin D with specified scope of volume and compound sources. Fortified edible vegetable oil shall bear the declaration “fortified with vitamin A and D” on the package, and the range of vitamins shall show a positive test at the time of sale in Indian market.

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