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Korea Approves Dynastid Beetle as New Food Raw Material

Recently, Korea MFDS approved the larva of dynastid beetle as a new food raw material. Last year, the larvae of tenebrio molitor and protaetia brevitarsis seulensis (Kolbe) were also approved as new food raw materials. Insects like grasshoppers and cicada pupa have long been used as food raw materials in Korea. It’s the first time Korea has allowed new insects as foodstuff after scientific safety evaluation based on the manufacturing process, nutritional ingredients analysis and toxicological tests. They will be categorized as normal food if no problems are identified during the assessment period. Edible insects are rich in protein, trace elements (like iron, zinc, magnesium, etc.) as well as vitamins and would be used in the development of foods for special medical purposes. 

Tags : South Korea
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