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SAMR Specifies Timeframe to Alter Infant Formula Ingredients and Labeling After Application Approval

After an application for alteration of infant formula labeling or ingredient formulation is approved by SAMR the applicant has 3 months to complete alterations.

On May 29th, 2019, SAMR released Letter No.167 detailing the timeframe and deadline for successful applicants for the alternation of infant formula ingredient and labels to complete alterations.

Main content:

  • Applicants shall change the recipe and labeling information of infant formula within 3 months, starting from the approval date of the alteration application.

  • After changing the recipe and labeling information successfully, the applicants shall stop using the original one and report the alteration to local SAMR authorities (in prefecture-level cities).

  • Products produced before the alteration can be sold until the expiration date.

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