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Compliance Requirements for Ingredients of Foods Exported to China

1. Food ingredients (raw materials and additives) that are commonly used in overseas countries may never be consumed by Chinese people and forbidden to be added in foods in China. 2. The use of new food ingredients must be approved by China’s national health authority, currently NHFPC.

When the food experts of REACH24H conduct compliance check of ingredients of imported food products, they often find some raw materials have no history of use in China. In addition, a large number of foods are rejected or destroyed at port due to illegal addition of ingredients. There are major differences in global food regulations and in this aspect China is no different. In a global context many raw materials and additives widely used and with long term safe consumption histories are not recognized in China. If companies wish to export their foods to China they must obey China’s rules and design products 100% compliant with Chinese regulations. How to determine whether ingredients can be used is of vital importance for accessing to the Chinese market.

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