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An Overview of China’s New Import Export Filing System

The upgraded filing management system for importers and exporters has been implemented since 1 Oct 2015. (See ChemLinked news: Upgraded Filing Management System for Importers & Exporter).

The new system coincides with the promulgation of China’s new Food Safety Law (Importers shall establish a food and food additive import and sale record, article 98), has been subdivided into three platforms for overseas manufacturers, exporters and importers respectively. The system has been upgraded with a more user-friendly general user interface.

1. Overseas food manufacturer record filing

Overseas food manufacturer information such as country, name and address, shall be recorded in this section either by the manufacturer itself or its domestic importer. CNCA-approved overseas manufacturers (including manufacturers of meat, aquatic products, dairy products and bird’s nest, find the specific list of manufacturers in Section 03 of F-lists) are exempted from information entry here as the information is automatically uploaded in the system and a reference number generated. The establishment of the new system means that whole-process traceability for imported food will be greatly facilitated.

2. Streamlined record filing process

Record filing can be undertaken or modified online. The filing process has also been simplified and repetitive data input removed. For instance, for a domestic importer cooperating with a number of overseas exporters, repeated filings of the importers can be avoided in the new system. Recording filing could be completed in 2 working days instead of 10 working days under the old system.

3. Optimized food safety supervision

The establishment of the new system means that import and sales information of food products are required to be uploaded, replacing the old system which relied on individual companies using an internal recording system. The stringency of supervision over imported food by AQSIQ and CIQs will be based on information on the operational history of traders stored in this system, including noncompliance and recall history. In essence AQSIQ will implement individualized treatment of each trader based on their operational history with varying rates of consignment sampling and laboratory testing at port. Violations will be punished incrementally and those with exemplary import records will be rewarded with expedited clearance. (See more detail in ChemLinked news AQSIQ to Implement Classified Management of Imported Foods at Ports).

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